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Environmental Promise

Wood is an amazing natural resource and we feel privileged to work with it. Environmental responsibility is at the heart of Atkinson & Kirby and we are proud to support sustainable timber production with a host of environmental and sustainable accreditations.

With sustainability a priority at Atkinson & Kirby, we are delighted to have been awarded the FSC® and PEFC® stamp of approval. These certifications promote environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable management of the world’s forests. At Atkinson & Kirby, we are proud to source a large majority of our timber from trees that are harvested as part of responsible and sustainable forest management, as well as promoting responsible and ethical practice.

Our environmental responsibility doesn’t end with sustainable timber sourcing; once FSC-certified timber leaves the forest, it must be controlled as it makes a journey through the supply chain in order to secure an FSC® Chain of Custody Certification. So, you can be assured that not only has our FSC® flooring been forested responsibly, but responsible practices have been maintained throughout its processing, manufacturing and distribution.

We are committed to constructing all of our products sustainably. By producing a large majority of our flooring accessories at our own mill in Chirk, North Wales, we are cutting the emissions that are caused from transporting goods from mills to warehouses to consumers. We’re also extremely proud of our ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems certification, which demonstrates that we operate a business taking into account minimising our environmental impacts.

Oak is our top choice for hardwood floors as it is one of the most sustainable timbers. With UK forest management and protection programs regularly replanting oak trees in woodland areas, it has one of the smallest carbon footprints of all woods and releases fewer toxic emissions during the manufacturing process than any other options.

Oak has the incredible ability to withstand the test of time. With a classic sophisticated look that remains strong and durable, using oak helps to increase the longevity of your flooring, making it even more sustainable.

We will always champion sustainable and environmentally viable hardwood flooring, making Atkinson & Kirby the top choice for the eco-conscious consumer.

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